Friday, September 2, 2011

Pen and Parchment

I've added a new link, to the Pen and Parchment blog. It's by Nichole White, and like me, she's a new author writing Christian speculative fiction (scifi, fantasy, etc.). The projects she's working on are intriguing, and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished books.

I've only seen a few folks writing in this vein, by the way, and I'd like to see more.


  1. Hey, thanks for the shout out. :) Nice blog you have here... You definitely have me intrigued. I'll be sure to keep checkin' in. ;D

    Good luck with your projects!


  2. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by! :) I was intrigued by your post on evolution at Konrath's, and then I saw you were homeschooled, like me, and that you liked and were writing Christian speculative fiction too.

    What I like best, though, is the desire in you to find God's treasure hid in the sands, and the potential God has clearly put in you. I very much wish you well with that! :)
